When moving to a new city, for study or work, people usually choose to live in a shared flat. It is the best solution for those who are moving out of the family home for the first time, but also to share expenses and meet new people.

It is one of the best experiences you will have because some of them will be those friends who will be part of your life forever and with whom, in years to come, you will remember the good times at university or your first work experiences.

Of course, living with other guys could also be a bit complicated. You have to come to terms with other people's habits, change your own a little and act in such a way as to create harmony between all the tenants.

Also, people come and go, so you may have to change roommates over time. What do you do when a new housemate arrives?

We at DoveVivo are experts in this. Not only do we help you find the right flat-share flat for your needs, but we also make sure that the move is an all-round good experience.

6 tips for welcoming new housemates

You know what they say: 'There is never a second chance to make a good first impression', so it is important to get off on the right foot with new flatmates.

Being new in a flat where the others already know each other could create some tension for both parties, i.e., the newcomer and the host. Bonding between roommates as early as possible is the key to creating good relationships, avoiding tension or arguments between roommates and, above all, using the time together to have fun.

So here are our tips for welcoming each new housemate and breaking the ice from the very first moment.

A clean house

Appearance is not everything, but it certainly helps!

If a new tenant is about to move in, it is always a good thing to let him or her find the house tidy and clean. Entering a cosy room immediately helps you to feel comfortable and better prepared for others.

Therefore, pay attention to all the common areas: the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room, any cupboards, cupboards, or shelves that everyone should use.

A nice gesture would also be to have the new tenant find the room clean, to make him feel welcome. Maybe just remove some dust, if necessary, and open the window to air the room.

In general, a very good way to get along is to try to always keep the flat tidy and clean, everyone will have to contribute so as not to create discontent.

Welcome dinner!

What could be better than a nice dinner, or even lunch, to chat and get to know each other better?

When a new tenant arrives, arrange to eat together at the first opportunity. You could decide on a menu together, so you are sure that everyone likes it, consider that they might be vegetarian, vegan or of a nationality that prevents them from eating certain foods. Do the shopping and prepare the meal together, a way to share some time to chat and tighten the relationship.

Getting to know the people who live with you will also help you to better understand how to get along. If you know what bothers others the most, you could work to avoid those behaviours, and vice versa. Obviously, relationships work when they are reciprocal and equal.

Group Chat

Feeling part of a group is one of the things people most want. So, use one of the many messaging apps to create a housemate’s chat.

It will be very useful in case of emergencies, to exchange service information, but also simply to chat with each other, especially if your schedules lead you to meet infrequently at home.

A group chat invites each member to communicate with the others, send links and funny things to laugh about together and help make friends. Moreover, a chat allows immediacy: if something happens, you can share it with others in real time, without having to wait to see each other.

Film or TV series

Another way to welcome a new housemate is to do activities together that everyone enjoys. For example, you could arrange to watch a movie or start a TV series together.

This can be a way to relax at home, together, after tiring days or when it is cold outside. The TV series, moreover, also creates a sense of continuity and can be an appointment for everyone to continue watching. Obviously, it should not turn into a stressful obligation, but it is a good excuse to share time, have a topic to talk about and discover each other's tastes.

Home Game Night

One method that has always worked to create fellowship is to play board games. They are fun and require everyone's participation.

There are plenty of perfect games to play among friends, some cooperative, some to be played as a team, all against all or all against the game. The beauty of playing games, besides laughing and joking, is to understand what you are better at or what others are better at. Games teach us to better understand others, and also ourselves, to create synergies, to activate the mind and to use time in a playful approach.

But the relationship between housemates does not have to stop at home, quite the contrary!

A tour of the city

You and your housemates could organise a day exploring the city or, if you already know it, you could be a guide for the newcomer.

These will be fun times together, will create a greater harmony between everyone and will be a way of gaining new experiences. To get around the city streets, besides walking, you could consider taking bicycles. If you do not own them, find out about the Bike Sharing service, which is now available almost everywhere.

If you enjoy doing these activities together, the next step could also be a weekend getaway or a small holiday.

A fun evening out

In addition to daytime activities, you could organise a nice evening out with your roommates. Aperitif time is always popular, it helps to take the edge off while enjoying a drink with friends.

Or you could try some special or traditional restaurants in the city you have moved to and then end the evening in a nightclub. Events, dance parties, live music concerts, there are plenty of opportunities.

If you are close to a festivity, such as Christmas, Carnival or Halloween, take advantage of the theme nights that are sure to be organised. Parties are always the right time because they create a natural desire for fun in people.

In short, sometimes you just have to be open to others to find a way to get along. Living together with your housemates could really turn into one of the best experiences of life and even if you don't become best friends with everyone you will remember each other fondly.