Nowadays, understanding how to save electricity and gas is indispensable from two points of view. On the one hand there are the rising costs, which are increasingly difficult to bear, and on the other hand the demands for a more virtuous lifestyle in favour of the planet's well-being.

Saving energy and electricity at home and adopting better consumption behaviour are already great ways to keep monthly utility bills under control and be more environmentally friendly. The green turn is moving from being an option to lead one's life to being the only right way to behave. Although global changes are necessary, it is also important to start with the small everyday things we can all do. If everyone acts well in their own small way, the impact we will achieve will be far-reaching.

The difficulty of changing behaviour, however, stems from two factors: one is the lack of awareness that certain ways of acting are harmful, the other is that the possible alternatives that make it possible to change the ways we are used to are not yet so well known.

When renting a room with DoveVivo the price of utility bills is included in monthly rent but it is still important to be careful about waste.

We wanted to contribute to the green turn by providing in this article a list of tips and ideas for saving energy at home. These are all simple actions that you can start doing now and every day.

Ways to save energy and electricity at home

We are all responsible for the energy we use at home. So, whether you are a homeowner, a single or a tenant in a shared flat, you should also do your part to lower the human impact on the planet. Moreover, in these times of rising prices it will be a good thing for your wallet too.

Not sure where to start or looking to improve?

Well, here you will find our simple and straightforward tips on how to save energy, it will only take you a little attention and effort.

Beware of lights

Simple but always an effective idea: turn off the lights!

How many times have you heard this from parents, grandparents or uncles? Yet it is a bad habit that many still carry around, that of leaving the lights on throughout the house, in some rooms even more than one.

Instead, remember to make the simple gesture of clicking the switch and turning off the light in the room you are leaving, and no one is in. If you live with roommates and some don't do it because they forget, besides telling them for next time, do it for them.

Also, when you have to change your light bulbs, choose to buy LED ones as they are the most efficient technology available today to consume less energy, even compared to other energy-saving options. Finally, whenever you can, take advantage of natural light.

Turn down the thermostat

Another action that is as simple as it is effective is to turn down the thermostat. Every degree less will save you money on your monthly bill and contribute to lowering global warming. Do you think that for this last big problem, lowering your degree is too little? In a way it is, but if we all lower the thermostat by at least one degree the positive effect will increase exponentially and globally, or at least in those countries that have heating in their homes.

Be careful not to overdo it, the health of any tenant in the house should not be at stake, but just find a compromise and put on an extra jumper in the cold months. Another thing to be careful of is to move furniture away from radiators because they absorb heat and prevent it from circulating.

Optimize the use of washing machines and dishwashers

Household appliances have become part of our daily life, and it is unthinkable to go back but what can be done, however, is to use them critically and conscientiously.

For example, both washing machine and dishwasher, should be used only when fully loaded. Also, for the washing machine, carefully choose the programme and the degrees at which to wash according to the real needs of your laundry. There are clothes that only need freshening up so you can wash them at 30 or 40 degrees, while choose 60 degrees maximum for very dirty towels or sheets.Also, use these appliances preferably at times of day, such as night, and on days, such as holidays, when you consume less. In addition, it would be better to reduce appliances that consume a lot of energy, for example the iron, as much as possible.

Smart tips for cooking

Even when you are in the kitchen you can implement good practices to use energy and electricity more efficiently.

Put lids on pots and pans to boil water or cook food, thus halving the time needed. Also pay attention to how much water you boil because the more water the more you consume, so be aware of this when you want to make tea whether it is on the cooker or with the electric kettle.

Also try to use the oven less, perhaps by buying a microwave or an air fryer, which will heat food or even cook it in a few minutes.

Also, when you set to the cooker, if possible, make a small forecast of your meals, you might cook something in abundance at one time.

Refrigerator and freezer maintenance

There are also better ways to manage and maintain the refrigerator and freezer.

For example, both work best when they are filled to the right amount, not too much and not too little. So, try not to overload them repeatedly with your supplies or even just put a few bottles of water in them so as not to keep them too empty.

Also, both fridge and freezer should be defrosted regularly and before the colder months arrive. If you can't do it every 6 months, make sure you do it at least when you notice that the ice reaches a thickness of about 5mm, but if it doesn't exceed 2mm it is better.

Finally, remember to maintain average temperatures for both of these appliances, not to open them constantly and not to leave them open and not to put hot food or drinks in them.

Avoid wasting water

Water is a precious good, and we are realising this more and more. We cannot do without this resource, but we must learn to use it as correctly as possible.

Turn off the tap when you do not need the water flowing, for example if you are washing dishes by hand turn it off while you are soaping up, or while you are brushing your teeth, or even when you are shampooing your hair. Open the water, therefore, only at the moment of rinsing.

Also, try to halve the time it takes to take a shower, in general 5 minutes is enough, and not to use boiling water if it is not so essential.

If you don't realise how much time you spend in the shower, you can try timing yourself and implement measures accordingly. Here are some ideas: put on a timer or an alarm clock, but perhaps the noise would be unpleasant, or time one or two songs you like and make sure you get out of the shower when they are finished.

Do not leave the devices on standby

Another smart way to save energy is to avoid leaving devices on standby or excessively plugged in. In the latter case, pay particular attention to the mobile phone, which is too often left charging all night when in fact two hours would be enough, so charge it at other times of the day when possible.

Also, you might consider buying power strips with a switch so that you can turn off just that instead of unplugging the appliance from the socket each time.

As far as household appliances are concerned, many of them now also have the option of activating the 'eco' or energy-saving mode. Prefer that mode as often as you can.

Change your daily behaviours

Reducing energy consumption at home requires paying attention to both ours and others' daily behaviour. Saving energy can be simple and free, it does not necessarily mean spending on sophisticated or highly efficient appliances. At most, if something costs more, you can be assured that it is an investment and not an expense because it will save you money in consumption and it will last longer.

Adjusting your behaviour, such as hanging clothes out by hand instead of using the dryer, will be your biggest source of financial and energy savings.